информационные технологии для архивов и библиотек


You are at Kirill Fesenko's “experimental” site. Here I collect and share personal publications and materials dealing with digitization and online publishing in archives and libraries. I also use this site as a testbed for online platform (CMS) dLibrary/InfoRost for the construction of digital archives and libraries. If you have questions about the site’s content or technology, please contact me at kirill.fesenko@dlibrary.org

Current work. February 2025

- Porject "The Map of Soviet Literature" - research advisory (2023)

Archives and Artificial Intelligence (in Russian) (Presentation at the Congress of Young Scientists. Dec. 2022, Sochi)

- Sources for Архивы/Библиотеки и Искусственный Интеллект / Archives/Libraries and Artificial Intelligence (in progress Nov. 2022 - 2023 гг.)

Russian state and national bibliography: challenges of today and opportunities of tomorrow (ASEEES presentation. Chicago, Nov. 2022)

Union Bibliographic Online Library concept/task description (in progress)


Experimental Online Publishing course for archival studies students (project in development)

Digital Archive of the Russian National Bibliography (Letopisi) (project in development) (see also текст выступления на научно-практической онлайн-конференции «I Грибановские чтения», состоявшейся 10-11 декабря 2020 года в Национальной библиотеке Республики Саха (Якутия),  г. Якутск.)

Public online collections of the Theater Library (SPb)

- State LIbrary for the Blind (project in development)

Digital Library of Russian Historical Documents

- Современные требования исследователей к интерфейсу и функциональности электронных информационных ресурсов (рабочий незаконченный материал 2016-2018).  Contemporary requirements of researchers towards interface and functionality of electronic information resources (unfinished work 2016-2018).

Description and indexing of defectology scholars' archives (project of Deaf-blind Support Fund So-edinenie) 

dLibrary platform. Concept and brief user guide (draft in progress)

Approach to onine description and indexing of Zagorsk experiment archives (draft)

Proposal for "Live Archives" project for imprevement of access to hidden collections (draft)






























Current reading

Archival collections at public libraries present their own challenges distinct from other library materials, but they also offer the promise of unique connections between the library and its users, particularly when the archives relate to local history. Written by an archivist and librarian with hands-on experience in multiple archival and manuscripts repositories, this concise guidebook presents best practices for the acquisition, access, and care of local history materials in public libraries. Providing guidance on creating a new archive as well as reinvigorating an existing one, it addresses 

what makes for a successful local history collection, with real-life examples that can serve as models; policies, planning, procedures, and day-to-day work involved with archival collections;
processing, from appraisal and legal transfer to arrangement and description; maintenance of the collection, offering guidance on proper care, storage, security, and disaster prevention and recovery; and continuing education for staff. This book will help public librarians and archivists give their local history archive the care and attention it so richly deserves.